1. Please press Delete button into BIOS setup Utility After Power ON
Integrated PeripheralsSuper IO devicePWRON After PWR-Fail setting to "ON".
(“OFF” is Factory Default)
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How to use “Power ON after power failure function” to boot system without press Power button.
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The function can simulation of the AT power support.
1. Please press Delete button into BIOS setup Utility After Power ON
Integrated PeripheralsSuper IO devicePWRON After PWR-Fail setting to "ON".
(“OFF” is Factory Default)
2. The feature of Power on after power failure is as follow:
A. ON - When power on, the board will boot up automatically, which is the simulation of the AT power support.
B. OFF - When power on, the power button still need to push on to bring the board to boot up, which is the ATX power support.
c. Former status - When power failure happened, and after the power resumed, the board will either boot or not based on the power state before power failure.
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Not clear what the message is here. Pls. advise so I can reword.