










01 Feb. 2023

安勤推出SID系列与OFT系列平板计算机产品,采用Intel® Celeron™ J3455处理器

安勤推出SID系列与OFT系列平板计算机产品,采用Intel® Celeron™ J3455处理器

2023年2月1日,台湾,台北 – 安勤科技(股票代码:3479),为Intel®物联网解决方案联盟(Intel® Internet of Things Solutions Alliance)钛金级会员(Titanium Partner)之一,为专业嵌入式工业计算机制造商,致力于提供完整的智慧零售、智能医疗、智能制造、智能交通与嵌入式解决方案。安勤近日推出搭载Intel® Celeron™ J3455处理器系列产品,包含:OFT系列(开放式多点触控平板计算机)与SID系列(半工控平板计算机)产品。此两系列机种皆搭载采用14奈米工艺设计的系统芯片 (system on chip, SoC) Intel® Celeron™ J3455处理器,将CPU、绘图核心及内存控制芯片整合在整合单一封装芯片中,提供低功耗且高效能的系统运算能力。

OFT系列(开放式多点触控平板计算机) - OFT-10W04/ OFT-15W04/ OFT-21W04

OFT系列为开放式多点触控平板计算机,搭载低功耗Intel® Celeron™ J3455处理器,全系列产品包含10吋、15吋、21吋的TFT Full HD LCD屏幕尺寸可做选择,可以根据应用选择适合的屏幕大小搭配使用,搭配投射式电容设计,且面板设计为全平面的薄型边框设计,非常适合用于各式需要触控使用的应用。也因为面板采用全平面设计,清洁方便,特别是使用于自动服务机应用时,可以减少面板清洁上的负担。支持Windows 10与Ubuntu 20.04,能整合大多数软件,用户可以根据需要安装操作系统,提供使用上的弹性最大化。OFT系列非常适合各种工业环境、医疗领域与零售市场使用。主要应用为:自动服务机、贩卖机、控制机柜、智能家庭等多种应用。

此外,OFT系列为适合各种嵌入应用设计,安勤也同步开发多样的安装套件可供各种应用场域做选择,包含:壁挂式安装(Wall Mounting)、面板式安装(Panel Mounting)以及延伸式壁挂安装(Extended Bracket)。客户可以根据不同的应用与需求,选择适合的安装套件进行安装。

OFT-10W04/ OFT-15W04/ OFT-21W04 主要特色如下:

 Intel® Apollo Lake Processor J3455

 Intel® HD Graphics 500

 Memory Socket with 4GB DDR3L, Max. Up to 8GB 1866 MT/s

 Onboard 32GB eMMC

 Dual Display, LCD & HDMI 1.4b

 Gigabit Ethernet

 1-M.2, Key-E with WiFi5/BT5.0 module

 1-M.2, Key-B for LTE, SSD, 1-Micro SD socket

 2-RS232, 1-RS485, 16bit GPIO, 2-USB3.0, 6W Audio AMP

SID系列(半工控平板计算机) - SID-10W04/ SID-15W04/ SID-21W04

SID系列为半工控平板计算机,搭载低功耗Intel® Celeron™ J3455处理器,全系列产品包含10吋、15吋、21吋的TFT WXGA LCD屏幕尺寸可做选择。前面框为铝框设计,是为适应潮湿和多尘的应用环境而设计,能支持IP65防水和防尘,全平面的面板设计,且能方便在工业环境中工作的操作人员使用与清洁,避免卡尘。SID系列支持多种操作系统: Windows 10与Ubuntu 20.04,用户可以根据需要安装操作系统,提供使用上的弹性最大化。SID系列产品主打应用为KIOSK与HMI应用,此外也同时可以适用于多样的自动服务机、贩卖机与轻工控环境下使用。

SID系列中的SID -15W04/ SID-21W04两款产品也支持安勤所推出的OOB模块以及Apacer CoreSnapshot M.2 SSD。OOB模块为远程智能设备管理系统,并有两种选配方案。选配方案说明如下:方案一:SID-15W04 & SID-21W04 + OOB模块,系统管理员可透过远程后台控制系统开机/关机/重开机来试着排除异常状况。方案二:SID-15W04 & SID-21W04 + OOB模块+Apacer CoreSnapshot M.2 SSD,系统管理员仅需一秒便能进行远程系统备份OS,并当系统发生异常警示或是OS crash issue时,可以透过远程后台让OS一秒还原成初始的OS磁盘区,让现场工作不间断。统计指出,当计算机系统发出错误警示时,有70%以上能藉由重新启动的动作,让系统恢复正常运作,安装OOB模块与Apacer CoreSnapshot M.2 SSD能有效的降低人员成本与停机风险,避免业务损失。

SID-10/15/21W04 Series主要特色:

 Intel® Celeron™ J3455

 Intel® HD Graphics 500

 Memory Socket with 4GB DDR3, Max. Up to 8GB 1866 MT/s, onboard 32GB eMMC

 Dual Display, LCD & HDMI 1.4b, PCAP touch(IP65 front)

 1-M.2, Key-E with WiFi5/BT5.0 module, 1-GLAN

 1-M.2, Key-B for LTE, SSD

 RS232/RS485, 2-USB 3.0, 1-HDMI, 1-Audio Jack

 Optional support OOB module & Apacer CoreSnapshot SSD

 CE, FCC Class B, RED Certified

更多安勤产品讯息,请至安勤网站www.avaluetech.com/en 查询更多相关信息;或联系sales@avalue.com.tw,将会有专人与您联系。


安勤科技 (股票代号:3479)是一家专业的工业计算机设计制造公司,致力于发展x86及RISC架构之产品,有工业主机板与单板电脑、工业电脑、平板电脑、嵌入式电脑模组、销售点终端机、半强固平板电脑、软体以及多样IOT应用解决方案等。安勤科技更延伸各项服务,如PCB / Assembly / BIOS 版本掌控,以及各项售后服务的保障。安勤为ISO 9001:2015、ISO 13485:2016、ISO 14001:2015与ISO-45001: 2018认证的公司,在产品质量上有一定的优质保证,以全球同步的服务来保障并回馈客户。目前安勤在全球各地皆有设服务处,总公司设在台湾台北,并拥有中国上海子公司、美国加州子公司与纽泽西子公司及日本东京子公司,且在全世界各地广布经销网以期能够尽量满足且服务全球的客户。


Email: pr@avalue.com.tw

Main features of OFT-10W04/ OFT-15W04/ OFT-21W04:

  • Intel® Apollo Lake Processor J3455
  • Intel® HD Graphics 500
  • Memory Socket with 4GB DDR3L, Max. Up to 8GB 1866 MT/s
  • Onboard 32GB eMMC
  • Dual Display, LCD & HDMI 1.4b
  • Gigabit Ethernet
  • 1-M.2, Key-E with WiFi5/BT5.0 module
  • 1-M.2, Key-B for LTE, SSD, 1-Micro SD socket
  • 2-RS232, 1-RS485, 16bit GPIO, 2-USB3.0, 6W Audio AMP

SID (semi-industrial tablet PC) series – SID-10W04/ SID-15W04/ SID-21W04

The SID series consists of semi-industrial tablet PCs which use low-power Intel® CeleronTM J3455 processor. Its TFT WXGA LCD displays are available in 10”, 15” and 21”. Designed for humid and dusty environments, the SID series has an aluminum front frame, and an IP65 rating for waterproof and dustproof protection. Its full-flat panel design also facilitates usage and cleaning by operators working in an industrial environment. Supporting multiple operating systems, including Windows 10 and Ubuntu 20.04, users may install the operating system they require, deriving maximum flexibility from its use. While it is primarily designed for kiosk and HMI, the SID series may also be used in a wide variety of automated service machine, vending machine and light industrial environment.

Two products in the SID series, i.e. SID-15W04/ SID-21W04, support Avalue OOB module and Apacer CoreSnapshot M.2 SSD. OOB (out-of-band) module refers to a smart system for managing networking equipment from a remote location, and is available in two options. Option 1: SID-15W04 & SID-21W04 + OOB module – System administrator is able to power on/ power off/ restart from a remote backend control system to attempt troubleshooting. Option 2: SID-15W04 & SID-21W04 + OOB module + Apacer CoreSnapshot M.2 SSD – It only requires one second for system administrator to backup the OS remotely; in the event of an anomaly or OS crash, the OS may be restored to its original state, ensuring uninterrupted operation. Statistics have shown that in over 70% of cases where an error message occurs, restarting the computer system can restore normal operation. Installation of OOB module and Apacer CoreSnapshot M.2 SSD effectively lowers manpower cost and risk of system downtime, preventing business losses.

Main features of SID-10/15/21W04 Series:

  • Intel® Celeron™ J3455
  • Intel® HD Graphics 500
  • Memory Socket with 4GB DDR3, Max. Up to 8GB 1866 MT/s, onboard 32GB eMMC
  • Dual Display, LCD & HDMI 1.4b, PCAP touch (IP65 front)
  • 1-M.2, Key-E with WiFi5/BT5.0 module, 1-GLAN
  • 1-M.2, Key-B for LTE, SSD
  • RS232/RS485, 2-USB 3.0, 1-HDMI, 1-Audio Jack
  • Optional support OOB module & Apacer CoreSnapshot SSD
  • CE, FCC Class B, RED Certified

Visit www.avalue.com.tw for more information on Avalue products, or contact sales@avalue.com.tw to talk to our sales team.

About Avalue Technology

Avalue Technology (TAIEX: 3479-TW) is a professional industrial computer manufacturing company, who is dedicated to developing the x86 and RISC architecture products, including Industrial & Embedded Motherboard, Industrial Computer, Panel PC, System On Module, POS Terminal, Tablet, Software and various IOT ready products. Having expanded, Avalue offers its expertise on PCB/ Assembly/ BIOS version control and all types of after-sales services. An ISO 9001:2015, ISO 13485:2016, ISO 14001:2015 and ISO-45001: 2018 certified company; Avalue offers assurance to customers in every aspect of business. With headquarter located in Taiwan, Avalue has global subsidiaries, including offices in Shanghai, New Jersey, California and Tokyo. In addition, Avalue Technology operates an extensive distribution network to accommodate and serve customers all around the world.

Media Contact:

Email: pr@avalue.com.tw


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