
How to flash 7511 FW in DOS mode while there’s no image showing on a HDMI monitor

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Steps by steps to guide you through the settings with flashing the 7511 FW in DOS mode while there’s no image showing on a HDMI monitor.

When you are trying to flash an OEM 7511 firmware in DOS mode with a 7511 flash tool, for example, CH7511B.exe file for ECM-BYT board, there would be no imge showing on a HDMI monitor because ECM-BYT supports only one monitor in BIOS/DOS mode, and LVDS display is also set as the first display priority.

Thus, you need to disable LVDS display option in the BIOS for allowing the image to be shown on the HDMI monitor. However, LVDS disabling would prevent the 7511 from updating and fails to flash as a result.

All in all, it’s sugegsted to connect a LVDS panel while flashing a 7511 FW, which is required to update in DOS mode for ECM-BYT.

In case that there’s no LVDS available on your hand, please get your HDMI montor to be seen with the tool called MODE30.COM and batch file. The following are the steps:
Step 1: MODE30.COM tool & Batch file to your bootable DOS USB.
Step 2: Modify the content to “MODE30.COM” in the batch file

Step 3: Rename the batch with “123.BAT” for example

Step 4: Connect a HDMI cable to the board & Plug-in a USB flash to ECM-BYT. Power on to DOS mode.

Step 5: After power on to boot into DOS but there is no image showing on the HDMI display. Type “123.BAT” and you would see the image shown on HDMI display