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Member Benefits
A single member profile can only correspond to one set of VIP codes: To ensure membership rights, no transfer or repeated application is allowed, and card returns and refunds are not accepted.
Membership is limited to the use of the member himself: membership and related rights and interests (including member consumption accumulation), cannot be transferred, inherited, short-term large consumption points or loaned to others to use consumption points in any way. If you want to accumulate points or exercise or redeem various rights and interests, or purchase discounts, please present relevant membership certificates or your ID card with a photo when you consume, exercise or redeem.
A single member profile can only correspond to one set of VIP codes: To ensure membership rights, no transfer or repeated application is allowed, and card returns and refunds are not accepted.
Membership is limited to the use of the member himself: membership and related rights and interests (including member consumption accumulation), cannot be transferred, inherited, short-term large consumption points or loaned to others to use consumption points in any way. If you want to accumulate points or exercise or redeem various rights and interests, or purchase discounts, please present relevant membership certificates or your ID card with a photo when you consume, exercise or redeem.
Membership is limited to the use of the member himself: membership and related rights and interests (including member consumption accumulation), cannot be transferred, inherited, short-term large consumption points or loaned to others to use consumption points in any way. If you want to accumulate points or exercise or redeem various rights and interests, or purchase discounts, please present relevant membership certificates or your ID card with a photo when you consume, exercise or redeem.