








18 May. 2022


Avalue semi-rugged tablet CAXA0 offers diverse accessories to meet requirements of different environments

May 18, 2022, Taiwan, Taipei - As a member of Intel® Internet of Things Solutions Alliance, industrial embedded industrial PC maker Avalue Technology (stock code: 3479) endeavors to provide a complete range of smart retail, smart healthcare, smart manufacturing, smart transportation and embedded solutions. Avalue semi-rugged tablet CAXA0 has a IP65 waterproof and dustproof rating. Its reinforced frame and glass protect the tablet from drops of up to 1.2m. Bundled with high performance Intel Celeron N3350 CPU, and clear and bright 10.1-inch color TFT LCD, and compliant with EN 60601-1-2 (4th edition) safety standards, CAXA0 tablet is especially suitable for medical purposes. For users of semi-rugged tablet, accessories that meet requirements of different environments are a boost to work efficiency and Avalue has developed diverse accessories for CAXA0 to provide more convenience for users at work.

Sufficient power anytime, effective space utilization

CAXA0’s desktop charger CAXA0-DC has three USB 2.0 ports and one LAN port, allowing CAXA0 to be used as self-service ordering kiosk for restaurants without worry about power. It is also ideal for use in places that require reservation service, such as the gym and recreational/ entertainment center. If you are worried about not having sufficient power when moving around with a tablet, then CAXA0-CS triple-battery charger is your best solution. It can charge three batteries simultaneously, ensuring there is always a fully charged battery when power runs low. CAXA0-WM wall mount, on the other hand, allows you to hang your device on the wall, giving you more flexibility to utilize space. It is suitable for places with insufficient floor area, such as restaurant and operating room. It can also be hung on meeting room door to indicate its usage status.

Easy to carry around for high mobility

The 1D/2D scanner is a CAXA0 accessory that is ideal for warehouse and inventory management. Warehousing personnel can carry the tablet using a CAXA0-SS shoulder strap, leaving their hands free for other tasks and giving them high mobility. CAXA0-HS hand strap, alternatively, enables you to secure the tablet tightly on your hand, keeping it from dropping and staying balanced while you are working. When you need to hold the tablet with a single hand, it will also help to reduce stress on your hand.

Diverse accessories for different types of use

CAXA0 has a battery life of up to six hours. Measuring 19.95mm thick and weighing just 1kg, it is easy to carry around. Its sturdy design also enables its wide application in many fields such as retail, manufacturing, transportation and logistics. Moreover, you can adapt it to different types of use and environment by customizing it with a diverse range of accessories. If you are looking for a semi-rugged tablet that is waterproof, dustproof, shockproof and easy to carry around, please contact us.

Visit www.avalue.com.tw for more information on Avalue products, or contact sales@avalue.com.tw to talk to our sales team.

About Avalue Technology

Avalue Technology (TAIEX: 3479-TW) is a professional industrial computer manufacturing company, who is dedicated to developing the x86 and RISC architecture products, including Industrial & Embedded Motherboard, Industrial Computer, Panel PC, System On Module, POS Terminal, Tablet, Software and various IOT ready products. Having expanded, Avalue offers its expertise on PCB/ Assembly/ BIOS version control and all types of after-sales services. An ISO 9001:2015, ISO 13485:2016, ISO 14001:2015 and ISO-45001: 2018 certified company; Avalue offers assurance to customers in every aspect of business. With headquarter located in Taiwan, Avalue has global subsidiaries, including offices in Shanghai, New Jersey, California and Tokyo. In addition, Avalue Technology operates an extensive distribution network to accommodate and serve customers all around the world.

Media Contact:

Email: pr@avalue.com.tw



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