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How to disable screen saver from Linux OS

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    Software OS
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APC-1733 ARC-1033 ARC-10W00 ARC-10W33 ARC-1200 ARC-1209 ARC-1209-B ARC-1232 ARC-1232-B ARC-1235 ARC-1235-B ARC-1238 ARC-1238-B ARC-1500 ARC-1509 ARC-1509-B ARC-1532 ARC-1532-B ARC-1533 ARC-1535-B ARC-1538-B ARC-15W00 ARC-15W32 ARC-15W33 ARC-1700 ARC-1732 ARC-1738-C1 ARC-21W00 ARC-21W33 ARC-21W34 BFC-10W9 BFC-10W9 B1 BFC-1209 BFC-1232 BFC-1509 BFC-15W9 CCD-07WR2 CCD-10WR2 EEV-EX14 EEV-EX15 EEV-EX16-A1 EEV-Q702 EMS-SKLU-Marine EMX-ADLP EMX-APLP EMX-BYT2 EMX-C246DP EMX-C246P EMX-EHLP EMX-H110KP EMX-H310DP EMX-H310P EMX-Q170KP EMX-R680P EMX-RPLP EMX-SKLUP EMX-TGLC EMX-TGLP EPC-EHL-DIN EPC-WHL-DIN EQM-APL EQM-BYT EQM-BYT2 ESM-APLC ESM-APLM ESM-BYT ESM-BYT2 ESM-CFH ESM-EHLC ESM-KBLU ESM-SKLA ESM-SKLH ESM-TGH FPC-08W29 FPC-10W09 FPC-1736 HID-21V-BTX HMI Turnkey Solution HPM-246UA HPM-621DE HPM-621UA HPM-SRSUA HPS-246U4A HPS-246UTA HPS-621D4A HPS-621DTA HPS-621U2A HPS-621U4A HPS-621UTA HPS-SRSU4A HPS-SRSUTA LPC-0809 LPC-0833 LPC-1009 LPC-1209 LPC-1232 LPC-1509 LPC-1532 LPC-1709(STD) OFM-15W00 OFM-21W00 OFP-07W33 OFP-15W33 OFP-15W38 OFP-21W33 OFP-21W38 OFT-07W03 OFT-10W02 OFT-10W03 OFT-10W04 OFT-1202 OFT-1502 OFT-15W03 OFT-15W04 OFT-21W03 OFT-21W04 OFT-21WR1 OTC PCC-APC-AB23-C PCC-ARC-AB10-C PCC-ARC-AB12-C PCC-ARC-AB12-R PCC-ARC-AB15-C-04R PCC-ARC-AB15-C-05R PCC-ARC-AB15-C-09R PCC-ARC-AB17-C PCC-ARC-AB21-C PCC-FPC-AB08-R PCC-FPC-AB10-R PCC-LPC-AB08-R PCC-OFP-AB07-C-01R PCC-PPC-AB15-R PCC-PPC-AB21-R PCC-SPC-AB17-R PCC-SPC-AB22-R PPC-1529 PPC-1729 PPC-2129 REV-Q703 REV-SA01 REV-SA02 REV-SA03 RiPac-10P2 RiPac-10P3 RITY102 RITY103 RITY122 RITY152 RITY153 RiVar-1501 RiVar-1502 SID-10W03 SID-10W04 SID-15W03 SID-15W04 SID-21W03 SID-21W04 SMA-IMX6 E1 SMA-X8I SPC-1209 SPC-1509 SPC-1533 SPC-1533-B1 SPC-1709 SPC-2133 SPC-2133-B1 SPC-22W9 VMS-EHLR VNS-10W01 VNS-15W01 ARC-1535 EEV-EX16-B1 HPM-SRSDE HPS-SRSD4A Artemis 1U Server Artemis 2U Server ARC-1538 ARC-21W38 MX610H MX610HD ESM-RPL ESM-RPLC EQM-EHL EMX-ASLP ARC-1037 HPM-SIEUA HPM-ERSUA HPM-ERSDE EEV-EX26 PT58 ARC-21W35 VMS-ADPS HPS-ERSU4A HPS-ERSUTA VMS-CFS-SLIM VMS-CFS-PSE(RJ45) VMS-CFS-M12 VMS-CFS EMS-SKLU-GPIO ESM-EHLC-B1 EMX-H310C EMS-TGL-Marine VNS-10WR2 EMX-TGLC-B1 HID-2340 Mother Board HPS-ERSD4A OFT-07WR3 SID-10WAD APC-15WR2 OFT-07WAD OFT-10WR3 ARC-1233 OFT-10WAD RPC-15WNX VMS-APL VMS-RPPS EMS-TGL-Marine_(複製1630) VMS-APL_(複製1622)_(複製1633) ESX-KX60G ESM-ASLC LPC-1738-B1 ARC-1538-C1 ARC-21W38-C1 ARC-10W37 SID-23WRP SID-21WR2 SID-10WR2 SID-21WR1 SID-15WR1 SID-15WR1 SID-10WR1 APC-21WR6 APC-21WR4 SMA-3568 OFP-28W42 OFM-28W00 ARC-18W33 IET-ISOP ARC-1738-C2 GAI-ERSR-70B GAI-ERSR-70B-Lite GAI-ERSR-33B SID-15WR2 ARC-1713 OFP-15W38-O1 SPC-10W35 HPS-SIEU4A HPS-SIEUTA LPC-1738-5G VNS-10WAD APC-W00 APC-15W00 EMX-W880P ESM-ARL ESM-TWLC EMX-TWLP EMX-ALUC EMX-MTLP HPM-GNRDE FPC-21W42 APC-24WR6 APC-32WR6 ARC-1539-A N97 ARC-1539-A X7433RE ARC-1239-B N97 ARC-1239-B N305


Introduce how to disable screen saver function from Linux OS through CLI (Command Line Interface).


1. After boot into Linux GUI desktop, press Hot-Key “Ctrl +T” to open the Terminal command line interface window.

2. Input and execute command:
  $xset s off

3. You may also put this command set into your .session file, to disable the screen saver upon every login.


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Not clear what the message is here. Pls. advise so I can reword.

