The Components You Need for High Computing Performance

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01 Jan. 2025

The Components You Need for High Computing Performance

The Components You Need for High Computing Performance

Image via Avalue HPS-SRSU4A

Image via Avalue HPS-ERSUTA

Ever since we began using computers in business and in our personal lives, performance has been a key factor. In recent years, this performance has improved significantly, and the computing systems of today are far more capable than they were a decade ago.

However, the rise of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) has increased the demand for high-performance computing systems. With the definition of high computing performance now changing, how are businesses ensuring their systems are up to the job?

In this article, we're going to be looking at the components you need for high computing performance. Some are directly involved in processing and delivering data. Others are auxiliary components, supporting the system while it works. All are necessary to meet the challenges of the new digital age.

Graphic Processing Units (GPUs)

A Graphics Processing Unit (GPU) is a crucial component responsible for processing and managing data in high-performance computing (HPC) systems. While every computer is equipped with a processing chip, HPC systems demand superior specifications. The GPU provides the exceptional computational power necessary for these systems by executing multiple calculations concurrently, thereby greatly enhancing the system's overall capacity and performance.

Central Processing Units (CPUs)

A central processing unit, or CPU, is a necessary component in all computer systems – regardless of performance level. However, we need to include it here, because without a CPU, a high-performance computing system cannot function.

The CPU handles all the necessary tasks to keep the computer system working as it should. This chip will take care of the basic functions of the system, while the GPU handles the calculations and actions required to give it that additional performance boost.

Random Access Memory (RAM)

Random access memory, or RAM, is the temporary data storage component. In order to operate efficiently and effectively, the computer will need access to data swiftly and reliably. If the system needs to access the high-performance computing server and search for data every single time, the performance is reduced.

So the RAM makes sure that data is available to the processors when they need it. Commonly accessed datasets are stored here, accelerating that performance by putting data within reach. If the system is shut off or closed down, the data in the RAM component will be lost.

Data Storage

Image via Avalue

While the RAM gives the high-performance computing system some of the data it needs to operate, it is not a sufficient data storage solution all by itself. The system also needs a high-performance computing server that provides more permanent data storage and access.

Typically, a high-performance computing system is going to use a large amount of data. This means the system needs a server that is capable of storing data in large quantities and also of delivering this data quickly when required. On top of this, the server needs to be adequately secured and maintained so there is no potential of data loss, data theft, or service interruption.

Choosing the right high-performance computing server board depends on the data requirements of your system. For instance, the HPM–621UA board features 6 x DDR4 2933/2666/2400/2133 MHz RDIMM/LRDIMM storage components, capable of handling up to 768 GB of data. This is likely to be enough for many applications.

The HPM-621DE server board, on the other hand, ups the capacity to 1.5 TB, thanks to 12 x DDR4 2933/2666/2400/2133 MHz RDIMM/LRDIMM components.

Connectivity Solutions and Interfaces

Connectivity solutions bring the entire system together. Networking solutions like InfiniBand (IB) make sure that data is transferred within minimal latency. Ethernet connections, configured for high-speed data transfer, also ensure that the bandwidth is sufficient to support highly efficient transfers.

You'll also need interfaces for human inputs and connections with other systems. If human users need to access the system, they should be able to do so via an intuitive and well-designed portal. As human/machine cooperation is going to be an intrinsic feature of the AI and ML revolution, this is extremely important.

Fans and Cooling Systems

As you might have noticed when looking at the above components, high computing performance is rather resource-intensive. There is a huge amount of data being passed back and forth, and the power requirements are high. All of this translates to significant heat energy, which can cause damage to the system if it gets out of control.

This is why fans and cooling systems are critical to the operation of high-performance computing networks. While these systems might not handle any of the computations themselves, they keep the overall system within a safe temperature.

Structural Components

Structural components are another aspect of your high-performance setup that does not actually handle data processing. However, they are still crucial for the reliable operation of your setup over the long term.

For example, the HPS-ERSD4A rackmount system requires robust and sturdy racking infrastructure – it's this racking that keeps the system safe and protected, eliminating any downtime. 

A solution like the HPS-SRSUTA tower workstation does not need racking infrastructure. However, it still requires a reliable structure to keep the components safe and secure. Within the tower structure, cable routing solutions ensure optimal operation, while a central bar reduces the potential for components to shift within the structure when the tower is moved.

Find the High-Performance Computing Components You Need in the Avalue Range

Whether you are looking to build a new high-performance system for your business or add new components to a modular setup, you'll find what you need in the Avalue range. Explore our high-performance components, or reach out directly to our team to find out more.


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