The Advantages of Computer-on-Module

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26 Feb. 2025

The Advantages of Computer-on-Module

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Achieving high computing performance and developing high performance computing clusters can be a headache. Hardware and software developers need to make sure they are working with the very best components, configured and arranged in a way that delivers the highest levels of output.

These components certainly exist and are available to developers, but this leads us to another conundrum. With so much choice available in terms of components, how do developers make sure they are working with the optimal hardware?

Computer-on-module is one answer here. These high performance computing components can help developers achieve more power and more flexibility from their systems. But what are these components exactly, what are their advantages, and how are they deployed?

What Is a Computer-on-Module?

A computer-on-module (COM) is a complete computing system built upon a single circuit board. At first glance, this sounds very much like a single board computer (SBC) — like the ACP-3588 ARM-based SBC or the ECM-EHL 3.5" SBC — but the two terms are not one and the same.

In fact, COM is a subset of single board computers. Both elements feature all the components required to provide computing power, such as microprocessors and RAM.

However, COM elements do not typically include the connectivity features of an SBC. The COM will need to be fitted into a carrier board component, like the EEV-Q702 Q7 carrier board or the EEV-EX15 Type 10 carrier board.

This can result in some drawbacks, as the COM is not a wholly self-contained unit. Despite this, there are advantages too — using a computer-on-module over a typical single board computer can make it easier to develop high performance computing clusters.

The Benefits of a Computer-on-Module

With the key terms defined, we can start looking at the benefits of computer-on-mobile, particularly those regarding high performance computing.

Achieve and Maintain High Computing Performance

One of the biggest advantages of computer-on-module is that it helps organizations both achieve and maintain high computing performance. This level of performance depends on highly capable components, but these components have a limited lifespan and need to be upgraded.

Upgrades are difficult on fully integrated systems. Upgrading one component requires simultaneous upgrades of other integrated components too, which is going to stretch available budgets and resources. With computer-on-module, it's different.

You'll still need to make sure that the carrier board and connections are compatible on each upgrade, but the modular design makes it much easier to keep systems performing at their best for longer. So when you want to upgrade to a high computing performance component like the OSM-IMX8MM open standard module-computer, you won't need to overhaul the entire system to make this happen.

COM mini modules like the ESM-APLM can offer this high computing performance even in a very small device. These COM modules help businesses optimize their available space and create powerful mobile or handheld devices.

Accelerate the Development of High Performance Computing

The modular design of the computer-on-module component also has other benefits. In the modern world, organizations need to be able to respond to changes quickly and bring products and solutions to market without delay.

Computer-on-module components essentially simplify the development of high performance computing clusters and other powerful pieces of computing hardware. The modular design makes building, prototyping, and testing simple and straightforward.

Business-to-business (B2B) and business-to-consumer (B2C) hardware developers can also introduce more flexibility and agility into their product ranges. Products can be built to order for customers and clients without the heavy delays that are sometimes associated with this.

Many COM modules, like the OSM-3568, are designed to operate in a wide range of temperatures, supporting the swift development of high performance computing devices ready for deployment in complex environments.

Manage Risk and Reduce Costs

Risk and cost are two of the things that business owners and facility managers are always trying to minimize. A COM component can help achieve both of these aims.

Risk is managed due to the modular design of the COM and carrier board setup. Businesses can utilize the COM component to meet their immediate needs without worrying about investing in a piece of technology that will quickly become obsolete. 

It's a similar story in terms of cost. Computer-on-module components are designed for rapid development and easy configuration. This dramatically reduces the labor and resources required to put one of these units together.

Costs are further mitigated by the relatively low power consumption of COM components, which also helps businesses achieve better ecological sustainability and regulatory compliance. The EQM-APL is an example of a COM known for its lower levels of power consumption.

The Applications of a Computer-on-Module

Computer-on-module components are deployed in a number of different industries, from healthcare and retail to manufacturing and transportation. Typically, computer-on-module use cases include the following:

  • Organizations that need to reduce their power consumption and minimize carbon footprint without compromising on computing capability
  • Organizations that are focused on miniaturization, producing small and compact computing solutions that do not take up too much physical space
  • Organizations looking to implement industrial automation and integrate smart functionality into their production line and broader supply chain
  • Organizations that need to capture and process data close to the source with edge AI networks
  • Organizations in rapidly developing industries that may need to upgrade their technology quickly and efficiently
  • Organizations that produce build-on-demand computing hardware for their customers and clients

This is just a small selection of potential use cases for computer-on-module components. As COM products provide a wealth of universal benefits, business owners and facility managers can deploy them in a range of different applications, based on specific industry needs.

Find the Computer-on-Module Products You Need in the Avalue Range

Here at Avalue, we are proud to provide a wide range of different computing components for our clients across retail, healthcare, manufacturing, and other industries. This includes the computer-on-module components our clients need as they target increasingly high levels of performance from their computing hardware.

To find the component you need, take a look at our extensive collection of computer-on-module products, or reach out to our team directly with any questions or queries.


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