Choosing the Best Single Board Computer for Your Retail Business

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12 Mar. 2025

Choosing the Best Single Board Computer for Your Retail Business

Photo by Blake Wisz on Unsplash

The retail industry is becoming increasingly digitized and depends on a combination of smart software and hardware to support the needs of consumers. At the heart of this is the single board computer – a small yet powerful computing unit that gives retail businesses the capability and versatility to gain a real competitive edge.

But how do you shop single board computers for your own retail business? How do you find the best single board computer units for your specific use case and objective? Read on to discover more in our guide.

Processing Capabilities

The main thing to consider as you shop single board computers for your retail business is what you're going to be using the SBC for. In retail, SBCs are deployed in many different applications. A vending machine interface, for example, will only require a simple single board system to power it. Meanwhile, a smart inventory management system or a customer-flow analysis solution working with AI will need large amounts of computing power.

With this in mind, the most powerful single board computers aren't necessarily the best SBCs for your purposes. Consider how much processing power you need, and then look for an SBC component with a CPU that can support your needs.

Product Examples

The ARM-based RSC-IMX8M features an NXP i.MX8M CPU. This is going to provide more processing power than the ARM-based RSC-IMX61, with its NXP i.MX6 CPU.

Integrated and Non-integrated Chipsets

It's also important to bear your retail application in mind when you select the chipset of your SBC. Single board computers can be divided into integrated and non-integrated chipsets. The chipset provides the internal communication and connectivity the SBC requires to do its job.

Non-integrated simply means the chipset is of a modular design and can be separated from the unit. Typically, non-integrated options offer easier upgrades and higher levels of performance and capability than their integrated counterparts.

Integrated chipsets, on the other hand, are built directly into the SBC itself. In most cases, they will be more difficult to upgrade and will not provide quite so much processing power, although they will be cheaper and easier to source.

Product Examples

The ECM-KBLU 3.5" single board computer features an integrated chipset. Meanwhile, the ECM-KBLH 3.5" single board computer uses the non-integrated Intel QM175 chipset, designed specifically for usage in powerful handheld devices.

Connectivity Ports

Connectivity ports are necessary to bring the SBC online within the broader system, so all SBC components feature these elements. However, there are different options available. The highly common USB, for example, gives the components increased flexibility and versatility, while SATA connections are less common but offer improved data transfer.

Local area network (LAN) connections bring multiple devices and systems together within a localized space, while the older COM connectivity option can help you upgrade legacy systems within a smart and digitized retail environment.

As you make your choice, consider what you are currently working with and how your system components will interact with one another. An SBC component might provide all of these connectivity options but in a specific configuration, so make sure the configuration aligns with your own needs. 

Product Examples

The ECM-TGUC 3.5" SBC comes with eight USB connections, six COM, two LAN, and one SATA.

The ECM-CFS 3.5" SBC offers the same connectivity options but configured in a different way. So you will have only six USB and two COM along with the same two LAN connections. However, you will get an extra COM connection, as the ECM-CFS offers two in total. 

Visual Displays

Depending on where you are putting your SBC in your retail environment, you may need to connect the computer to a visual display. This gives your customers, personnel, or other users the chance to interact with the interface. They'll be able to gather data, learn more about products, and take other important actions.

Compatibility is important here. You need an SBC that can integrate with your current or intended visual systems. SBCs may use HDMI, DP, LVDS, or another connectivity protocol to provide these visuals, so make sure you select the computer that matches your setup.

Physical Size

This last aspect is a vital one but is often overlooked by retailers in search of the best single board computer for their needs: physical size. Whether you are developing solutions for the shop floor, for a warehousing environment, or for a back office, you are still working with a finite space. You need a solution that can operate within this space without taking up too much unnecessary room.

Of course, this means selecting small and streamlined components too. Slimline SBCs can help you deploy small or handheld devices, backed with significant amounts of processing power. Low energy consumption SBCs are also available, allowing handheld devices to remain in the field for longer.

Product Examples

The EZX-EHLP is a 1.8" SBC designed with low energy consumption in mind.

The BC680R is a far larger ATX component, measuring 12" by 9.6", designed to provide optimum levels of computing power.

Shop Single Board Computers with Avalue

Whether you need the most powerful single board computer for your retail application or you're looking for something more specific, Avalue can help. We provide an excellent selection of products as you shop single board computers, covering a range of different industries and applications.

Explore our product range today and find the SBC you need, or reach out to our team directly if you have any questions.


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