5 Things the Best Industrial Motherboard Manufacturers Have in Common

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15 Jan. 2025

5 Things the Best Industrial Motherboard Manufacturers Have in Common

Image via Avalue

There are many motherboard producers out there, so how do you find the best industrial motherboard manufacturers for your specific needs? In this guide, we will be looking at what all the best industrial motherboard manufacturers have in common so you can make the right choice for your own project.

What Does a Motherboard Do?

A motherboard is essentially the spine of your computing system – it's the central structure that holds everything together. Basically, this is the component that houses all the important components that make a computer system work.

RAM components, CPUs and GPU, sound drives, optical drives, and other components are housed on this board or connect with it in some way. The reliable functionality of the motherboard is absolutely critical to the operation of the entire system, and without this product, the whole thing will fall apart.

This makes it crucial to have the right motherboard components – from a manufacturer you can rely on.

What Do the Best Industrial Motherboard Manufacturers Have in Common?

Image via Avalue

Whether you are looking for industrial PC motherboards, ATX motherboards, mini ITX boards, or other components, quality always needs to come first. While the individual specifications of the motherboard will help you understand whether or not it can meet your needs, you also need to consider the manufacturer itself.

Here's what all the best industrial motherboard manufacturers will have in common.

They Provide Highly Efficient Connections Between Components

This is almost the whole point of an industrial PC motherboard – to bring together different computing system components. With this in mind, an effective motherboard will provide swift and responsive connections between the components built into the board.

Not only this, but the board will support effective external connectivity too. The best industrial motherboard manufacturers will build efficient and effective exterior connection features into their products.

An Example in Action: The ACP-3588 Octa-core Single Board Computer features Rockchip RK3588 quad-core Cortex-A76 and quad-core Cortex-A55 for maximum power while also supporting gigabit cable network ports, 2.4G/5G dual-frequency Wi-Fi, and Bluetooth for external connectivity.

They Support Longer-Term Scalability after-sale service

Upgrades and updates are required from time to time, and this is unavoidable. However, the type of motherboard you choose will dictate how often you need to upgrade, along with the scale and the complexity of the job.

Where possible, motherboard manufacturers will need to bear this in mind. They will need to consider how their industrial PC motherboards and other products fit together with modular additions to the system and meet expanding needs in terms of performance and computing power.

An Example in Action: The EPM-1722 DC to DC 60W Marine Power Module offers additional support to embedded motherboards, via two AT 2P DC 12V output power connectors.

They Design with High-Performance Systems in Mind

As well as looking towards future scalability and system development, a good motherboard manufacturer will design with a high-performance computing system in mind. This means building their motherboards in a way that gets the best out of the components they will be using within the system.

But it also means selecting motherboard components with performance in mind. The best manufacturers will use industry-leading processors, CPUs and GPUs when they develop their boards and bring them to market. As artificial intelligence and automation become more widespread, high-performance computing systems are growing in demand – so more and more business owners depend on highly capable motherboard technology.

An Example in Action: The BC680R industrial ATX Motherboard with Intel® R680E features 12th/13th/14th Gen. Intel® Core™ i9/i7/i5/i3 processors for maximized performance capacity.

Providing a versatile array of customization and integration options.

It's not always as simple as just looking for "the best motherboard." Instead, business owners are looking for "the best motherboard for their specific needs."

  • Not every business has the budget for a top-of-the-range board, but they still need a reasonable level of performance.
  • Not every business is looking for a full-size motherboard, and they may need smaller components for an embedded system.
  • Not every business owner needs the very highest specifications of performance and may instead look for something geared towards their specialized requirements.
  • Some business owners need components that can be deployed in challenging environments.

These are just a few examples of how needs can differ. The best motherboard manufacturer will be able to offer a wide range of products to match this diverse set of needs.

An Example in Action:

The RX680R Industrial Micro ATX Motherboard with Intel® R680E features a slimline design to support specific deployment needs.

They Have a for Reliability Certification and Ruggedized

One of the best ways to find the right motherboard manufacturer is to look at user reviews and testimonies. This kind of user-generated content tends to be more reliable than a marketing spiel provided by the company itself. They will also detail real-life scenarios that might align with your own intended use case.

Checking out these reviews will help you understand the reliability of the component. Investing in a motherboard that can stand the test of time will save you money in the long run.

An Example in Action: The EPX-EHLP Pico ITX Motherboard features Intel® Celeron® & Atom® x6000E series® BGA Processor components for maximum reliability, even after long periods of use.

Find the Industrial Motherboard Products You Need in the Avalue Range

At Avalue, we understand that business owners need the very best industrial motherboards for the task at hand. Their organizations depend on the quality of these products, and their customers expect results of the highest quality.

With this in mind, we offer a broad range of motherboard products – from industrial PC motherboards to industrial ATX motherboards, as well as many other products designed for more specialized needs. To find out more about what we can provide, take a look at our product pages, or speak to a member of our team if you have any questions.


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