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Management Policies and Commitments

Publish Date

31 Aug. 2024

Avalue believes that employees can only reach their full potential and create greater value in a safe, fair, and caring environment. Therefore, in addition to complying with labor laws such as the Labor Standards Act, we actively embrace international labor standards and employ a diverse workforce. We are committed to providing all employees with the best possible work environment and career development opportunities through a series of initiatives and measures.

Transparent Communication Channels

Regular company meetings are held quarterly to keep employees informed about the company’s operations. A culture of honesty and transparency is fostered, allowing employees to freely share their opinions, ask questions, and receive timely responses. This helps enhance internal cohesion and trust.

Fair Treatment

A reasonable salary evaluation system is established to ensure employees receive fair wages, benefits, and opportunities. We comply with the minimum wage law, offer reasonable working hours and vacation policies, and emphasize career development opportunities, allowing every employee to achieve their career goals at Avalue.

Respect for Diversity and Equal Opportunities

Avalue respect the diversity of our employees and ensure equal opportunities for all. We do not discriminate against employees based on gender, race, religion, sexual orientation, or other factors. We believe that diversity is key to a company's success and are committed to creating an inclusive work environment.

Occupational Safety and Health

Ensure a safe working environment by providing necessary training to help employees avoid occupational hazards. Regular inspections and training are conducted. We are committed to creating a healthy and safe work environment where employees can work with peace of mind.

Freedom of Association and Collective Bargaining

We respect employees' freedom of association and hold regular meetings with employee representatives. We believe that through such communication, we can effectively address issues, improve working conditions, and ensure that employees' rights are protected.

Continuous Training and Development

We provide continuous training and professional development opportunities to help employees continuously improve their skills and knowledge. We believe that employee growth is company growth, and therefore, we actively invest in our employees' career development.

Adherence to the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (UNGPs)

Legal Compliance

For all employees, both domestic and foreign workers employed by our company, we comply with the provisions stipulated in the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (UNGPs) to ensure that the basic human rights of all employees are respected and protected.

Avalue respects the basic human rights of all ethnic groups, regardless of their origins, gender, minority status, religious beliefs, disabilities, or whether they are migrant workers or their families. We are committed to creating a diverse and inclusive work environment where everyone can reach their full potential in a respectful and fair atmosphere.

The company will not jeopardize or exacerbate negative human rights impacts due to its own interests. We will also actively prevent any human rights abuses caused by our business relationships or operations. If any violations occur, the company will immediately launch an investigation and establish a relevant unit to be responsible for ensuring that appropriate compensation and corrective measures are put in place.

With the approval of the board of directors and the cooperation of internal units, established policies and regulations that meet human rights standards. These policies and regulations are not only known to internal personnel but are also disclosed to all external parties to ensure transparency and fairness.

Corporate Commitment

Avalue is committed to complying with laws and internationally recognized human rights laws, and places human rights principles as a top priority. We guarantee to respect and protect the basic human rights of all people under any circumstances, and to eliminate any form of discrimination, harassment, and forced labor, and we do not employ child labor. We provide a safe and fair working environment, guarantee employees' wages, benefits, and labor safety, and provide career development training programs. We are committed to reducing our negative impact on the environment, supporting social welfare activities, and requiring our supply chain partners to comply with human rights standards. We will regularly disclose ESG and human rights-related information to ensure policy transparency and implement supervision mechanisms. Avalue will continue to strive to protect human rights and provide a safe, respectful, and fair working environment for all employees and stakeholders.


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