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Employee Status

Publish Date

31 Aug. 2024

In 2023, Avalue had a global workforce of 770 employees, with 326 based at the Taiwan headquarters, all of whom were full-time employees. The gender ratio of employees in Taiwan in 2023 was 1.69:1, while the ratio for managers and above was 3.88:1.

There are 12 executive-level managers at Avalue’s Taiwan headquarters, 11 of them reside in the Taipei-New Taipei area. This means that approximately 91.67% of the company's senior management is locally sourced, demonstrating Avalue's commitment to local talent and its deep roots in the community. By employing local residents in high-level positions, the company can better understand the local market, strengthen ties with the community, and contribute positively to the region's economic development.

Employee Analysis

The data reveals a diverse age distribution among job applicants, demonstrating our company's successful strategy of recruiting experienced individuals. By bringing in employees with a wealth of experience, we are fostering a more innovative and dynamic workplace.

*The retention rate for new hires in 2023 exceeded 80% after three months of employment.

Analysis of employee turnover

Terms of Gender

The female employee turnover rate stands at 6.1%, reflecting the company's efforts in promoting gender equality and its overall attractiveness. In contrast, the male employee turnover rate is 10.4%, potentially due to males being more susceptible to offers from other companies or seeking more advanced positions. The significant decrease in turnover rate compared to last year indicates the effectiveness of our improved employee benefits.

Terms of Department

The turnover rate for managerial positions is significantly lower at 1.5%, indicating that our company offers more stability and career advancement opportunities compared to other industries. In contrast, non-managerial positions have a slightly higher turnover rate of 15%, suggesting that these employees are more susceptible to external offers or seek better working conditions. These insights will guide us in developing more effective employee retention strategies to enhance job satisfaction and reduce turnover.

Turnover Analysis by Age Group, Gender, and Department

Under 30: Turnover rate is 3.1%. Younger employees are more likely to stay and seek new challenges within the company.

Age 31-40: Turnover rate is 6.4%. This age group is in a crucial career stage and may seek better opportunities.

Age 41-50: Turnover rate is 4.6%. Employees in this age group are relatively stable but maintain some mobility.

Age Above 51: Turnover rate is 2.5%. Closer to retirement, these employees have achieved work-life balance and have lower turnover.

Employee Gender Diversity Analysis

Avalue has experienced a significant decrease in turnover rates and a corresponding increase in hiring rates over the past few years, demonstrating the success of our enhanced employee benefits program. Our comprehensive benefits package, including comprehensive health insurance, flexible working hours, professional development opportunities, and a variety of employee activities, is more robust than those offered by our competitors. 

These measures have not only attracted more top talent but have also increased the satisfaction and loyalty of our existing employees. Additionally, we have observed a decrease in the overall age of our workforce compared to last year. This shift has brought numerous benefits, such as an infusion of fresh perspectives and innovative ideas, enhancing our company's ability to adapt and compete in a rapidly changing market.

Younger employees typically exhibit a higher degree of enthusiasm for learning and a greater willingness to adopt new technologies, which can be instrumental in driving digital transformation and business innovation. However, this demographic shift also presents challenges. 

Younger employees may have less work experience and stability, necessitating increased investment in training and support. Moreover, changes in age structure can impact knowledge transfer and the accumulation of managerial experience within the organization.

Overall, the decrease in turnover rates, increase in hiring rates, and shift in age structure present both opportunities and challenges for the company. We will continue to enhance our benefits package, provide more training and development opportunities, and ensure that every employee can realize their full potential, driving the company's long-term growth.

Welfare System

Avalue adheres to the philosophy of "enjoying work and life," and is committed to promoting various humanized welfare measures to enhance employee satisfaction and happiness. We offer flexible working hours to help employees better balance work and life. The company also provides afternoon tea and coffee for free every day, allowing employees to relax during work. We offer holiday bonuses or gifts during major holidays. Additionally, we organize family days, sports events, and domestic and international trips to foster a sense of belonging among employees and their families.

Our compensation system includes performance-based bonuses and profit sharing to motivate employees. We offer a generous leave policy, including paid sick leave and volunteer leave, exceeding the requirements of the Labor Standards Act. Additionally, we prioritize employee health with regular check-ups, comprehensive health insurance, and on-site medical facilities(AED).

In compliance with the Labor Standards Act, the company has implemented a comprehensive compensation and benefits package. This includes a salary management system, a performance evaluation system, and a company regulation. A welfare committee oversees the implementation of these policies. All employees enjoy statutory benefits such as retirement contributions, group insurance, and overseas travel insurance.

Our comprehensive parental leave program, designed to support employees returning to work, coupled with our robust benefits package, has fostered strong employee loyalty and laid a solid foundation for the company's long-term success.

Retirement System

Avalue Taiwan has two types of retirement contribution systems. We’ve fully complies with the monthly contribution regulations. Employees who joined before June 30, 2005, can choose between the old and new systems. The company has a retirement policy in accordance with the Labor Standards Act, and retirement procedures for all employees are handled in accordance with the regulations. The company contributes 2% of the total monthly salary to a retirement reserve fund, which is deposited into a retirement fund account at Taiwan Bank.

For employees who joined after July 1, 2005, the new retirement system is mandatory. Employees who joined before July 1, 2005, but chose the new system, the company will contribute 6% of their monthly salary to the Labor Insurance Bureau. Employees can also voluntarily contribute 0% to 6% of their monthly salary to a personal retirement account, which will be deducted from their salary by the company.

Career Development

Employees are our most valuable assets; we are committed to providing comprehensive training programs to foster professional development and personal growth. We believe that continuous learning empowers our employees, builds a solid foundation of expertise, and drives greater value for the company. 

Our training programs are designed to enhance employees' quality awareness and production skills, enabling them to contribute more effectively to our organization. To cater to the diverse needs of our workforce, we offer a wide range of courses, including technical training and personal development programs, providing comprehensive opportunities for professional growth.

We have established a clear division of responsibilities for our training programs. The GM approves all company-wide training initiatives, both internal and external, while management units are responsible for compiling annual training plans and tracking training outcomes to ensure effectiveness and professionalism.


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