Optimize Inventory Management with Avalue's Rugged Tablet Solution

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Inventory Management Solution​

Inventory Management

The rugged tablet for inventory management is a durable and versatile device with a built-in barcode scanner. It withstands harsh environments, offers wireless connectivity, and has a long battery life, optimizing inventory tracking and management processes.

Semi-Rugged Tablet PC

Semi-rugged tablets are essential for inventory management as they withstand harsh environments, improving durability and reliability. Their mobility and durability ensure efficient tracking, data accuracy, and timely updates, enhancing overall inventory management efficiency in challenging conditions.

Offer Diverse Accessories

Meet Requirements of Different Environments

Sufficient power anytime, effective space utilization

CAXA0’s desktop charger CAXA0-DC has three USB 2.0 ports and one LAN port, allowing CAXA0 to be used as a self-service ordering kiosk for restaurants without worry about power. It is also ideal for use in places that require reservation services, such as the gym and recreational/ entertainment center. If you are worried about not having sufficient power when moving around with a tablet, then CAXA0-CS triple-battery charger is your best solution. It can charge three batteries simultaneously, ensuring there is always a fully charged battery when power runs low. CAXA0-WM wall mount, on the other hand, allows you to hang your device on the wall, giving you more flexibility to utilize space. It is suitable for places with insufficient floor area, such as restaurants and operating rooms. It can also be hung on the meeting room door to indicate its usage status.

Easy to carry around for high mobility

The 1D/2D scanner is a CAXA0 accessory that is ideal for warehouse and inventory management. Warehousing personnel can carry the tablet using a CAXA0-SS shoulder strap, leaving their hands free for other tasks and giving them high mobility. CAXA0-HS hand strap, alternatively, enables you to secure the tablet tightly on your hand, keeping it from dropping and staying balanced while you are working. When you need to hold the tablet with a single hand, it will also help to reduce stress on your hand.

Diverse accessories for different types of use

CAXA0 has a battery life of up to six hours. Measuring 19.95mm thick and weighing just 1kg, it is easy to carry around. Its sturdy design also enables its wide application in many fields such as retail, manufacturing, transportation and logistics. Moreover, you can adapt it to different types of use and environments by customizing it with a diverse range of accessories.

Solution Highlights

Rugged Design

Wireless Connectivity

Long Battery Life

Rich Accessories

✔️Dual-OS Compatibility: Windows 10 and Android 11 for enhanced flexibility.

✔️Connectivity: 4G LTE support for seamless wireless communication.

✔️Robust Construction: MIL-STD-810G and IP65 certifications for water resistance, dust-proofing, and shock resistance.

✔️Advanced Mobility: Weighing just 1kg and 19.95mm thin, it's perfect for on-the-go professionals.

✔️Extended Battery Life: Up to six hours of uninterrupted usage.


Mobility and Flexibility

Accurate and Real-time Data

Enhanced Productivity and Efficiency

Durability in Harsh Environment

Improved Customer Satisfaction



Convenient Store

Logistic Car

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