Avalue: Your Partner for Customized Gaming Solutions - OEM/ODM Services

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Gaming Industries

OEM/ODM Serivces for Gaming Industries

Whether you seek a customized computing solution for Video Lottery Terminals (VLT), Slot Machines, Player Tracking Systems, Bingo Machines, or Arcade Game Amusement applications, Avalue is your trusted partner. Experience the pinnacle of gaming innovation and unleash your gaming potential with Avalue's exceptional gaming application.

Custom Design for Gaming Industries

Motherboard & Computing System Design and Manufacturing for Gaming Applications

Avalue has been a global service provider to leading gaming companies since the 2000s. With continued growth and expansion, our experienced teams confidently deliver full support for our gaming customers. We understand the needs and market trends of the gaming industry, offering technical consultation and reliable services to meet your time-to-market goals. From new product development to manufacturing, our gaming solutions guarantee long lifecycles, 24/7 operation, exceptional 3D graphics performance, high security, and IoT compatibility. Choose Avalue for unparalleled expertise in custom gaming system design.

Video Lottery Terminals (VLT) / Slot Machines

The next generation VLT and slot machines have been transformed to adopt super size or triple monitors, even curved display playing the HD video and audio game software with touch/multi-touch screens enabling players to enjoy exceptional game experiences in the casino. We serve our VLT customers by providing high performance and secure hardware computing platforms with remote capability and in-depth customer support.

Multiplayer Game Systems

Multiplayer game systems enable multiple players who prefer electronic games over live dealers to interact with the game simultaneously. The system requires high processing and 4K/3D/HD video performance for handling complex data as well as the capability of supporting multiple touch displays. Fanless and low power operation may be optional. We are able to provide lower cost game systems by customizing off-the-shelf products.

Lottery Terminals & Bingo Machines

The lottery and bingo terminals require responsive touch screens and rich I/O ports to access peripherals such as the credit card reader, bill acceptor, barcode scanner and receipt printer. Depending on where the terminals are planning to be used, we provide various levels of cost effective all-in-one POS solutions with display sizes ranging from 7 to 17 inches.

Arcade Game Amusement Machines

Arcade games are seen in many of the large indoor entertainment centers and movie theaters. The newer generation arcade game machines such as the car racing game station play 4K/3D/HD video on curved HD displays, double player dancing stations, and multiplayer digital game tables. We provide entry level to high graphic intensive computing solutions for our gaming clients to choose from.

Products We Design

Embedded Motherboard



Avalue customizes high-quality and long-lifecycle industrial motherboards and embedded computing solutions

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